Photo Credit: Lora Anant

Calls have been pouring in since the beginning of May.  But the day after Memorial Day was perhaps the busiest day we’ve had so far.  That day a call came in from Steve Howell in South Carolina.  Steve had scooped up a tiny deer in the middle of a road on a dark night.  The fawn would have been killed if he hadn’t intervened.  He took the fawn home, tried to find help and discovered our hotline number. 

We gave him several numbers of deer rehabbers in his area, and at 10 pm,  Lora Avant arrived with her husband to bring the little deer back to their center.  You can see that it was difficult for Steve to let the baby go!

Steve was so impressed with Lora that he called Wildlife Watch back to thank us for the referral.

Of all of the animals that are found, fawns are the ones that evoke the most emotion in people.  First there’s  surprise or shock upon seeing the fawn, then there’s an overwhelming need to protect the fawn, along with a desire to nurse.  While we normally suggest that people put the fawns back where they found them, there are times when circumstances make it impossible.

We’re so happy that our hotline allows us to connect the compassionate public with nearby wildlife rehabilitators.

We later contacted Lora to see how the fawn was, and ask if we could let our readers know of a wildlife rehabilitation center in her area.

She recommended Wild Things in Georgetown, SC. Lora wrote: The little buck is doing great! He is drinking about 2.5 ounces at each 4-hour feeding and has made himself at home with the two other little buck fawns. They are jumping and playing and nibbling on the grass.

Please visit their FB page here:

And their website:

Lora sent this photo with Steve’s little buck (front) who is playing with 2 other orphaned male fawns. (Photo Credit: Lora Anant)