duck feed - Buy duck pellets from Agway or another
feed store and mash them for very young birds. If the
bird is older, you can feed them whole.
In both cases add hot water to let the pellets soften.
Add shredded lettuce, baby spinach or spring salad.
Rip up the greens so that they
are manageable for the baby. The younger the baby,
the finer the pieces have to be. You can rip up the
greens or use a pair of scissors to cut fine slivers.
Be sure that everything is chopped
finely for very young, small goslings or ducklings.
If they are bigger, they can rip up greens on their

Duck vitamins may be sprinkled
on the greens if you can get them. Vionate is one brand.

If you're near a pond, duckweed
can be skimmed from the surface of water along with
microscopic plant life that ducks love. It's a natural

Add the duckweed to the mixture,
along with some of the water from the pond, and the
ducks and geese will take over from there, as you can
see below. The seagull is watching this gosling "pig-out."

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